Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sample Webquest - Brain Images

Our textbook provides us with a few images of the brain and its structures. These images are mostly drawn. Today we want to find other images, photographs and drawings. We want to use these images to learn more about the different structures that make up our brain.

You will be exploring several websites that I have found for you, find a few websites of your own, and then choose your five favorite images of the brain. You will then create a Power Point project using these five images. You will write information about these images to accompany the Power Point presentation.

1. You are going to begin your exploration by visiting a set of websites that I have found for you. They are listed in the resources section. All of these sites allow for some exploration into and interaction with the parts of the brain. Make sure you take plenty of time on each of these tutorials.

2. Now it is time to explore some websites that will show you some detailed images of the brain. Again, spend plenty of time exploring these websites.

3. Now you need to explore some websites and find at least three images of your own choosing. Be sure to record the URL of the site where you find each image. (Do you have a account? You could store your URL's there.) The images we find on websites are not our own; we need to give credit to their source.

4. The next step is to make a Power Point presentation using the images you discovered on this journey and the information you learned along the way. In the evaluation section you can see a rubric that will be used to evaluate your presentation. Here are some specific items to keep in mind:
a.) You need to include at least five images found during this webquest. Three of them can be from sites that I provided you with and two of them should be from your own search.
b.) Credit will need to be given to the source of each image.
c.) When each image is shown during your Power Point presentation, you need to include information about each image in the "notes" section of your Power Point file. This should include: 1. The name of the overall brain part shown in the image
2. The names of any specific brain structures that are shown in the image (even if they are not labeled)
3. The functions of these specific brain structures - Be Careful: If I see a brain structure in your image that you should have mentioned (because it was mentioned in class) and you didn't mention it, you will lose points. You can use your book to find information about each of the brain structures or go back to the interactive tutorials at the beginning of your webquest! The descriptions should not be word for word from the book.
4. The URL from where you find your image.


Section 1 - Tutorials
Get Body Smart Interactive Brain Tutorial
You need to explore the following sections of this website: major divisions of the adult brain, sectional views of the brain, organization of the cerebrum, and cerebral cortex
Secret Life of the Brain: 3D Brain Anatomy
You need to take a 3D tour of the brain. Look into all of the parts by area and all of the parts by function.
Brain Facts from National Geographic
Go ahead and read the intro, interact with the brain anatomy and unhealthy brain sections, and look into the stimulate the brain section.
Brain Model Tutorial
Click on all the pieces of the brain that we discussed in class.

Section 2 – Image Collections
Brain Connection
Brain Images - This site is actually more of a portal, listing many links to other sites with brain images. Spend some time looking at a minimum of three of these sites
Brain Photographs - Look into a variety of these links, at least five
More Brain Images
Final Image of an Actual Brain

Click here to download the rubric for the webquest.

Make sure you follow the instructions given, read the rubric to find out how you will be evaluated, and take the time necessary to do a thorough job with research and descriptions.

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